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Jump - AI human-scene integration video presentation tool

1.What is Jump? After half a year of research and development, a column of digital code collection into a visible digital products, AbcPen Technology team to exclude the difficulties, continuous polishing, will soon push Jump this AI human-scene integration of powerful video presentation tools. Super look forward to it!
The upcoming Jump is a video presentation tool that perfectly integrates people and scenes. Jump has three major functions: live video streaming, video conferencing and video recording. It combines reality and imagination, using digital to build a platform and break through the dimensional wall!
Green screen contrast Jump breaks through the limitations and achieves the perfect integration of people and scenery through the core real-time character matting technology.The most important thing is that Jump provides rich resource templates, it has a large number of dynamic backgrounds, GIF stickers, images, filters, and even connects to Bing's resource gallery, a huge amount of materials to meet personalized needs. Dynamic backgrounds to assist in live shows, entertainment performances, science lectures; creative stickers to add fun to bland scenes; style filters to create the suitable atmosphere for the scene. Real-time interaction between real people and video content enhances the visual appeal and interest of the presentation process, creating an immersive experience. 2.Jump is the twin brother of video conferencing and live streaming software! Diversification of supported platforms Relying on the powerful material library, Jump can be used in a wide range of scenarios, whether in finance and business, health care, education and training, science and technology, corporate communications, etc. As a professional presentation support software, it can be applied to a wide range of collaboration software.
Cooperators Applications in China The main function of Jump is video conferencing, which is mainly for business companies, finance and banking, education, etc. Jump emphasizes on "real-time collaboration" and "human-scene integration", and its professional-grade portrait real-time matting technology is the most core part. Based on this, Jump combines the speaker with the presentation screen perfectly, solving the problem of low interaction in real-time video conferencing within major companies. The combination of virtual and reality creates real-time AR scenes! The impact of the epidemic has led to a sharp increase in demand for video conferencing collaboration tools, but these tools all possess a common problem - a lack of fun. In Tencent meetings, DingTalk these mainstream video conferencing, the host often has to left with an either/or choice: show the PPT or the speaker? The boring video conference lacks the passionate interaction of real life, making it difficult to attract the attention of partners for meetings and greatly reducing efficiency!
Jump makes video conferencing more fun How to solve the existing problems of video conferencing is the scope of our AbcPen Technology team to consider. First of all, the use of Jump's virtual background function can solve the problem of people and meeting documents can not coexist in a screen. The speaker's smile and every subtle movement are shown on the screen, restoring the real scene of the meeting, allowing participants to experience a sense of face-to-face communication, more participatory. Secondly, the rich background allows participants to have visual enjoyment, so that people can not help but dynamic stickers is to make the meeting process colorful, breaking the limitations of traditional video conferencing! Simply call the "Jump AI Camera" virtual camera to synchronize the demo screen with the live video scene.
How to call Jump camera for video conference? Live streaming is also one of the main features of Jump, which supports major live streaming software, such as Taobao and Tik Tok, which dominate in live streaming with goods, and Douyu Live and Huya Live, which lead in live gaming. Short video prevalent era, the traditional presentation tools have been unable to meet people's needs for personalized expression. In the live broadcast scene, the anchor has few options other than the single mode of appearing in person. The scene has limitations, and it is difficult to do multi-scene sharing through the live streaming software itself.
Jump helps you to show the full range of product information This is a problem we at Jump can solve perfectly! In the live commerce , using Jump assistance can achieve split-screen display. Add multiple cameras to realize the scenario of multiple screens co-existing with the separation of people, goods and production. For example, a businessman with live commerce in Hangzhou, the source of goods in Russia, production in Yiwu, set up cameras in each of these locations, Jump by connecting these cameras, the anchor, the source of goods, production process in the same screen, to achieve the effect of showing the full range of product-related information to customers! Foreign Applications Jump also supports real-time collaboration on overseas video platforms, such as YouTube, the world's largest video search and sharing platform, and popular overseas social broadcasting platforms like Twitch, Youtube, Facebook, VLive, Restream, etc. Jump can seamlessly connect to these popular overseas social streaming platforms, which is beyond your imagination! Jump is a powerful video presentation tool that can be used on a wide range of video platforms with diverse support! 3.How to use Jump? Video 1: How to use Jump?
Video 2: How to use various templates and filters?
Video 3: How do connect to my meeting or live broadcast?
This is the end of the introduction of the Jump function, more features are waiting for your exploration! Countdown to Jump's release, are you looking forward to it? (To media friends: GIF pictures, images and videos please add from the material package)


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