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Jump - AI human-scene integration video presentation tool

1.What is Jump? After half a year of research and development, a column of digital code collection into a visible digital products, AbcPen Technology team to exclude the difficulties, continuous polishing, will soon push Jump this AI human-scene integration of powerful video presentation tools. Super look forward to it! The upcoming Jump is a video presentation tool that perfectly integrates people and scenes. Jump has three major functions: live video streaming, video conferencing and video recording. It combines reality and imagination, using digital to build a platform and break through the dimensional wall! Green screen contrast Jump breaks through the limitations and achieves the perfect integration of people and scenery through the core real-time character matting technology.The most important thing is that Jump provides rich resource templates, it has a large number of dynamic backgrounds, GIF stickers, images, filters, and even connects to Bing's resource gallery, a